Les enfants prodiges
The true prodigy of these girls manifests itself in the representation of their deep connection with the natural world.

alessandra puppola
Alessandra Puppola’s girls are not necessarily child prodigies of the arts or sciences. They are child prodigies of life. With penetrating and complex gazes, they express profound experience and disillusionment. They are aware of the drama of separation and the difficult but necessary search for independence, which they know is the only way to embark on their journey in the world. They are girls who have already lived. They live within adults, imprisoned in rigid cages structured by a life in competition for survival.
But the true prodigy of these girls manifests itself in the representation of their deep connection with the natural world. The animals and plants that Puppola miraculously extracts from their unconscious are nothing more than metaphorical projections of a deeper essence. Puppola’s girls simply are nature, or at least aspire with all their might to be so.
The artist seems to indicate mother nature as the only path to salvation. The only possibility to open the cages and finally return to a more authentic and free existence.